Periodontal disease, or infection of the areas around teeth, develops because of the bacteria found in dental plaque. Basically, if dental plaque is left to build up too long on teeth and especially around the gum line, the gums will begin to deteriorate, and the disease begins to form. It can also spread to other structure of the mouth such... read more »
As a new year begins with the promise of new beginnings, Dr. Austin Babcock, Dr. Dan Williams, and our team encourage you to put a healthier smile on your list of resolutions. A healthy smile not only boosts your self-image but it benefits your general health as well. To help you with your journey, Sedona Dental Arts would like to... read more »
At Sedona Dental Arts located in Sedona, Arizona and Cottonwood, Arizona, Dr. Babcock and Dr. Bill and our team want you to know how important oral care is for your gum health. Because your gums support your pearly whites, you will want to keep them in tip-top shape! Following are some things you can do to prevent bleeding gums: – What... read more »