Are You Ready for a Healthier Smile in 2017?

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As a new year begins with the promise of new beginnings, Dr. Austin Babcock, Dr. Dan Williams, and our team encourage you to put a healthier smile on your list of resolutions. A healthy smile not only boosts your self-image but it benefits your general health as well. To help you with your journey, Sedona Dental Arts would like to share the ADA’s (American Dental Association) suggestions for a healthy start to the new year:

Brush: To ensure healthy teeth and gums along with better breath, brush your pearly whites twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Floss: To remove harmful plaque from teeth and along the gumline where your toothbrush bristles can’t reach, be sure to floss at least once a day.

Sugarless Gum: Chewing sugarless gum can help keep tooth decay at bay as it washes away harmful bacteria and bathes teeth and gums with saliva and its protective enzymes.

Nutrition: A balanced diet with plenty of tooth-scrubbing vegetables, tooth-building protein, and fresh fruit can build a strong body and strong teeth and bones.

Water: Hydration serves two purposes, one, hydration which supplies the proper fluid levels for healthy saliva production which prevents dry mouth and keeps your oral environment healthy, and two, drinking fluoridated tap water will help protect your teeth from the harmful effects of acid on tooth enamel.

 Dental Cleanings: Twice a year professional dental cleanings and checkups will prevent tooth decay and gum disease which results in healthy smile longevity.

Restorative Dentistry: If you have been putting off getting cavities filled or restoring your smile with crowns or implants, now is the time to cross them off your list with the satisfaction of a healthy, new smile.

Smile Alignment: A straighter smile is actually a healthier smile; not only will you be able to chew your food properly, but straighter teeth are easier to clean, and correcting malocclusion means your pearly whites won’t suffer the effects of stress on your jaw joints. This will prevent TMJ along with wear and tear on your teeth.

Tobacco Use: If you have been considering giving up your tobacco habit, starting the new year is a good time to do it. You can find support through family and friends, smoking cessation groups, and online apps that can track your progress. Not only will your smile thank you, but your body too!

If you are looking to make 2017 a healthier adventure, why not strive for a healthier smile? If you are ready to start the new year with a smile restoration, please call 928-282-1514 today. Whether you are looking for a same-day crown restoration, dental implant or dental veneers, Dr. Austin Babcock, Dr. Dan Williams, and our team in Sedona, Arizona, are happy to help!